Wednesday, 7 November 2012

News, in real time.

Korea to build 264 billion dollar tourist resort in the shape of the iconic hammer and sickle because, a spokesman says, “we fucking can.”

Our top reporters were sent to interview the great minds in charge of design and funding for this monolith, the self proclaimed “eighth wonder of the world.”  When our journalists were closing in on Cybrotech Red Divsion, the headquarters for this operation, they were picked up by local guides and driven by military escort. Cameras were asked to be turned off and no photographs were to be taken of the plans for the resort.  Interviews were very brief and unrecorded due to the hectic schedule of the important men involved.

“Korea just wants to give Western guys a big surprise. If you take photo, you ruin surprise! Korea not so bad, we build resort. You Westerners come here and eat burgers” said one representative of the corporation. “Communism was good, but we embrace Western culture now.”

Well folks, you have seen it here first. 2 sneak preview photos of the construction of the up and coming “Red Terror Resort”.

Construction of, what we are told is, the pool area. 

The dog park.

My best friend and I are the ultimate nationalists.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

For the next several months, may you have daily rage. You can't work your lighter while wearing gloves. Your mp3 player wheel or phone won't work with your thick woollen gloves, making your hands look like novelty space mittens. It's too warm on congested transport to be wearing all of these layers, but I don't have the space to take them off. 

Was it ever really warm? Will I ever be warm again? November is the time when you forget that such a thing as sunshine ever existed.

Everything is shit. Everything is shit now until next year. 

To warm your weary spirit, attached is a picture of my brother. Behold the true face of fear.