Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The lack of dinosaurs in everything I see.

I read lists on the internet for finding stuff to watch sometimes. "IMDB Greatest Blowjob scenes" and other such nonsense. I generally find a load of awesome stuff and download the hell out of it. I sit here grinning to myself and sometimes letting out a laugh while drinking enough coffee to take down Voltaire, watching the supposed funniest and best things on television.

Yet one thing somewhat irks me - the lack of dinosaurs in everything I see.

I never turn something off and contentedly say "Wow that was great, I'm glad they didn't throw in a few dinosaurs. That would have been disastrous." There is nothing in the whole wide universe that couldn't be made  jaw dripplingly, ball fizzingly, dick erectingly greater with dinosaurs.

Lost was one of those shows that got very mixed reviews. It was alright up the point when it got shit, then it was no longer alright. If they had ended season 3 with Sawyer seducing a triceratops, the ratings would have been through the roof.
If the end of Arrested Development had a dinosaur thrown in for good measure. Maybe Gob was a velicoraptor magician the whole time? Would it really have been cancelled?

It isn't just TV shows and films though. Far, far from it. Harry Potter and the secret of Stegasaurus Lake.
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the Dilophosaur. To Kill a Mockingraptor.

Just think about it.

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